Name: Liza (Panda Alpha)
Personality/Facts: Liza Mainly Helped protect Jamaa
while the other Alphas went to go track down the
Phantoms.She is also well known from all jammers since
she is the alpha who welcomes everyone for coming to
Jamaa and helps people get started on there adventures!
Name: Greely (Wolf Alpha)
Personality: Greely Is the Wolf Alpha
he has studied the creatures known as
phantoms. Greely spends most of his
time far and alone from Jamaa
studying Phantoms and sabotaging
them in the shadows the alphas dont
not really trust Greely but they
do respect him.
Name: Sir Gilbert (Tiger Alpha)
personality: Sir Gilbert has a deep sense of honor he
is a very spiritual animal with Care and affection. his
deep voice can be smooth but Yet Terrifying! He
always wondered what it would feel like to be a
monkey,penguin,shark etc.. Crazy Right!
Name: Cosmo (Koala Alpha)
Personality/Facts: Cosmo Can be a fair typical
even though he spends time in the trees eating
and his outward appearance there is something with
Cosmo that he understands Plants you might say
"That's no big deal my parents understand plants"
but he just doesn't understands plants he knows
what they're saying!
Name: Peck ( Bunny Alpha)
Personality/Facts: Peck is most suited for her
humorous personality but mainly of her story that
she holds! Most Jammers dont remember the
phantom invasion but in that time Mira Chose Peck
to be an alpha Peck is the newest alpha Sir Gilbert
always thinks to himself why did Mira Choose Peck?
Name: Graham (Monkey Alpha)
Personality/Facts: Graham is a wise thinker the first
thing he noticed of the other alphas is that they do
everything the hard way.Graham is also an inventor
for situations that the alphas run into!
Comment your favorite alpha!